Shri Valmiki who has created the unique story of Ramayana, which though contains the demons like Khar (rough) and Dashana (evil), is still smooth, lucid, faultless and without any evil element in it.
King Janak, Of Mithila after taking permission from the Brahmin prepared an axe of gold and dug up the field. while the field was being tilled, a young girl was unearthed. The king named her as "Bhuja" (Born of the earth) and embraced her by taking her in his arms. O Parvati! The girl was so innocent and beautiful that the king broght her to his palace and brought her up as his daughter. She was named "Janaki". And Narada called her "Seeta" who was pure and extraordinarily beautifully.
King Dasharatha, of Ayodhya didn't have children for quite some time, and performed a religious sacrifice called "Putra Kameshti". The fire-god emerged before him out of the sacred fire and gave him a pot of nectar for his three wives to drink. King Dasharatha gave the nectar to his three wives, Kaushalya, Sumitra, and Kaikeyi.
Kausalya was blessed with Rama; Kaikeyi with son Bharata; and Sumitra, with two sons, Lakshmana and Shatrughana. All four brothers were deeply attached and devoted to each other.
All the four brothers grew up together and learnt various arts of peace and methods of wars. When Rama was only sixteen, one highly revered saint, named Vishwamitra, came to king Dasharatha. He requested for Rama's help to protect him and his disciples from demons, who had been interfering with his usual religious sacrifices to gods. Very reluctantly Dasharatha sent Rama and his younger son Lakshmana to the hermitage of sage Vishwamitra.
On their way, in Dandaka Aranya (forest), Rama killed a powerful female-demon named Taataka. Sage Vishwamitra was very pleased and gave Rama some celestial weapons with extraordinary powers.
Mareecha and Subahu were two demons who were a constant source of annoyance for Rishi Vishwamitra. They poured impure blood and flesh into the holy fire and defiled it. Rama released the Manavastra at Mareecha. This weapon bound him tightly and flung him near the sea. With the Aagneyastra, Rama killed Subaahu. Both the brothers then destroyed the demon’s army.
Vishwamitra then took the two brothers to the court of king Janaka, the ruler of Mithila, who arranged for his beautiful daughter Sita's Swayamvara. Janaka had in his possession a divine bow of great weight, which god Shiva had given to him as a gift. He announced that anyone who could lift and stretch the string of this bow would win the hand of his daughter.
With Rishi Vishwamatra's permission, and blessings, Rama stretched and pulled the string back with so much force that it broke with a loud crash.
Flowers from heaven fell. Sita's bridegroom was finally chosen. King Janaka sent word to King Dashratha at once seeking his permission and blessings for Ram's marriage. On hearing the news King Dashratha was overjoyed. The wedding of Ram and Sita was solemnized with the blessing of elders and good wishes of all present there.
At Ayodhya, King Dasharatha felt that, as he is growing old, it is time to formally announce the name of his eldest son Rama as the next successor to his throne.
Kaikeyi, the most favorite wife of Dasharatha, had a distant relative, Manthara, as her companion and absolutely loyal servant. Though Kaikeyi, loved Rama without malice, Manthra, played upon the maternal instincts of Kaikeyi.She instigated her mistress against her stepson, and reminded Kaikeyi of the two boons promised to her by Dasaratha. The first one is the coronation of my son Bharat as the king of Ayodhya and the second one is the exile of Rama into forest upto 14 years in the guise of an ascetic without any attachment towards the kingdom, the family etc. The delicate utterances of Kaikeyi upset the king (Dasharath) like the Chakor bird whose yearning increases when moon-rays touch its body.
"Why are you so much upset over such a trifling matter? What prevented you from telling me earlier? On seeing you in the dejected mood, I approached the mother. After listening to everything, I was at ease. O Father! "Please do not be sentimental at such an auspicious occasion. Leave this depression and allow me delighfully to proceed for the forest." Rama spoke these words to his father and cheered.
O Lord! A woman without a man is like a body without the soul, a river without the water. I will get all happiness of the world just by accompanying you and looking at your face as brilliant as the full moon. Believe me, O Lord! If you are with me, I will never feel alone. The birds and the beats will become my family members, the forest creepers and barks of the trees my clothes and the hut made of leave will be an abode of heavely happiness for me.
O Lord! I wish to wash your lotus-feet first and then request you to board my boat. I require nothing else as the fare. Oh Ram! I swear by you and by Dasharath. Please believe me. Let Lakshaman kill me by shooting an arrow but unless I wash your lotus-feet, O kindest one & Lord of Tulsidas! I shall not take you across this river in my boat.
The lotus-eyed Shri Ramchandraji was very much pleased to see the beautiful, neat and sacred atmosphere of the Ashram. Sage Valmiki rushed rushed to receive Shri Ram on hearing about his arrival. Shri Ram saluted the sage by prostrating before him on the ground and touching his feet. Valmiki, the best of the Brahmins, blessed Ram. Valmiki was very much delighted to see Ram and led him to Ashram respectfully.
When Bharata and Shatrughna came back from their maternal uncle's place, Ayodhya was totally lost in sadness.
Bharatha refused to be crowned as the king and set out for the forest to request his elder brother Rama to come back to Ayodhya.
When they reached the place where Sri Rama had made a halt, Bharat saw Sri Rama sitting surrounded by the sages and hermits. Bharat and Shatrughana made salutations to Sri Rama. Laxmana too greeted Bharat.
Vashishta then informed Rama about Dashrath?s death. Sri Rama became restless. His sorrow aggravated when he learnt that Dashrath died because he could not bear Sri Rama's separation. In the morning everyone took bath. By the permission of the sages Sri Rama offered sesame seeds in the name of his father Dashrath as oblations.
Sri Rama then requested everybody to return to Ayodhya because here in the forest there were lots of hardships.Then Bharata requested Rama to come Ayodhya.
Rama declined to return to the kingdom without completing the exile term of fourteen years, while Bharata did not agree to sit on the throne. Bharata to returned to Ayodhya Rama's 'padukas' (slippers). The pair of shoes was to be placed always at the foot of the throne to remind everyone that Rama was indeed the king, and not Bharata.
Once ram himself prepared the ornaments from various flowers and picked up by him and decorated Seeta gracefully while sitting on a huge diamond stone.
For a period of ten years Rama, together with his wife and brother moved in the forests from one hermitage to another. Then he met sage Agastya near Vindhyachal mountains, who advised Rama to set up his abode at Panchavati near the banks of the river Godavari. Rama with Sita and Lakshmana accordingly settled at Panchvati. Panchvati was adjacent to the regions inhabited by Rakshasas.
Once Soorpanakha, a sister of the mighty demon king Ravana, visited the place and was enchanted by the physical beauty of Rama. When she made advances, Rama rebuked her. Soorpanakha became angry and made scurrilous remarks against Sita. Lakshmana could not control his rage and chopped off the ears and nose of Soorpanakha.
To avenge this insult she returned accompanied by her two other brothers, Khara and Dushana. In the battle, both Khara and Dushana were defeated and their army routed. Soorpanakha returned to Lanka and wept before Ravana and pleaded for revenge against this supreme humiliation suffered by her. Ravana took his best confidant Maricha with him and made plans to avenge his sister's insult.
The Marich worshipped Ravana and asked him respectfully, "Tell me, O Lord! Why you look so upset ? And how is it that you have come alone?" Unfortunate Ravana told him everything adamantly and then said to Marich. "You take the form of a deer and misguide Ram, while I will abduct Seeta."
Seeta said, "O Kindest One! O Lord! Please listen. See this deer. What a beautiful skin it has! Kill it and bring its skin for me!" Ram, even though he knew about the trick of Marich, set up for hunting the deer with his bow & arrow to undertake the divine cause of the gods.
Rama sets off trying to catch it, leaving Lakshmana to guard Sita. Maricha lures Rama far away from the hermitage on a hunting expedition. He then succeeds in sending Lakshmana too on a mission to search for Rama. When thus left alone Ravana disguised himself as a Sadhu and forcibly kidnaps Sita from Panchvati.
When Ravana was on his way to Lanka on Pushpak vimana, Ravana encountered Jatayu. Seeing Sita crying out for help, Jatayu got outraged and cursing Ravana, he charged him. Jatayu had grown old. and could not overpower Ravana. He fought a fierce battle with Ravana. Ravana cut his wings and he fell on the ground and Ravana finally managed to abduct Sita.
Ram requested. "O Respectable one! Kindly keep this body."At this,he (Jatayu) smiled and said." "the scriptures say that even by chanting your name at the time of dying, a sinner gets the salvation. But you have appeared before me in person! What else do I need? Nothing remains to be desired". "Ram, with tears in eyes, said, "O Great one! You have achieved the most sought after status by your sacred deeds."
Shabari was so much overwhelmed with devotion and love that she became speechless on seeing Ram. She repeatedly bowed down at this feet. Then she washed the feet of both the brothers and offered them beautiful seats. She brought very juicy, fresh and tasty shrubs, roots and fruits and offered them to Ram. Ram also repeatedly appreciated her and ate them with affection.
The army of Ignorance (Infatuation) consists of Desire, Anger, Temptation and pride. The woman is like illusion incarnate. Please listen, O Sage! The Puranas, the Vedas & the saints confirm that a woman is like the season of spring blooming in the forest of illusion. A woman drains the waters of chanting, meditation and holy rituals like the summer.
O Brave soul! May I know who you are moving like awarrior having black & white complexion? What makes you move in this harsh and thormy land with delicate legs? You look so majestic and charming! Why are you exerting so much by subjecting yourself to unbearable heat and air! Are you One of the three Gods viz. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar or you are both Nara & Narayan?
Sugreev manoeuvred too much, but could not succeed. At last he was convinced and accepted the defeat, Ram then had to kill Vali by shooting an arrow in his chest. Injured by the arrow, he fellon the earth, but seeing Ramchandra, he again stood up. Ram;s body was dark, eyes red, with locks of long hair on the head. He was ready to shoot an arrow.
Vali was sent to the heaven by Shri Ram. All the citizens gathered in frustration. The wife of Vali viz. Tara started mourning for the loss of her husband. She was completely bereaved.
Sugreev, Who earlier lived in danger from Vali and had many wounds on his body and who led a life full of tension, was now made the king of monkeys by Shri Ram. Really Lord Raghuveer is very kind and compassionate.
At that time Angad, bowing down his head, said, "O Lord! Kindly send Hanumanji." So Sugreev called on Hanuman and gently requested him, " Shri Ram has obliged me in many ways. I would like you to go everywhere for his work.
O Lord! Even the gods, human beings and the sages are subject to the temptations of sense organs, whereas I am a humble animal and that too the most lusty among them i.e., the monkey. A person who is never injured by the arrows of beautiful eyes of a woman and who is awake during the darkest night of anger (i.e. who does not lose his temper) and who is free from the tangles of temptation, such person is like you, O Raghunath! These qualities are rare and cannot be attained by penance or austerity. Only throught your grace, one can attain them.
Thereafter Sugreev called two messengers. Gaj and Gavaksh rushed to him. Sugreev spoke to them very gently with unanimity of thought, word and deed. He said, "Please go eastward in search of Seeta and come back as early as possible after accomplishing Ram's task.
They saw a fine garden and a beautiful pond inside. The pond was full of blooming lotuses. By the side of the pond, there was a fine temple, where there was a Divine Lady.
The city of Lanka, on the Trikut mountain, is ruled by Ravana, a fearless King. In the city, there is a garden known as Ashok van where Seetaji is, at present, sitting in apensive mood.
The unmatched beauty of your mother Anjani is well-known in the world. Once, beautifully dressed up, she went to the top of a mountain. (O Hanumanji!) Listen! It was the auspicious day when you were bron on the fourteenth day - saturday of Kartik (month) during the last fortnight of the month.
"You are incarnated to serve the holly cause of Shri Ram. "Having heard this, Hanuman's body expanded to the proportion of a mountain. The whole body was beaming with the brilliance of gold; as if he was the other king of the mountains. Hanuman asked, "O Jambvan! I seek your guidance." Jambvan replied, "Respected Sir, Please find out the whereabouts of Seeta. Thereafter the lotus-eyed Shri Ramchandra will kill the demons and bring back Seeta. The army of monkey will accompany him, just for the sake of amusement."
Hanuman entered into her mouth and afain came out and asked for her leave after salution her; then Sursa told him, "I have come to know the secret of your extraordinary brilliance. I am sure you will be able to fulfill all the tasks of Shri Ram, for which the gods had sent me here. When she flew away after blessing Hanuman, he felt greatly exhilarated.
Onseeing seeta, hanumanji saluted her heartily. Seeta used to sit there all the 24 hours of the day. Her body was emaciated. One of her locks of hair was lying on her head and she used to chant the name of Shri Ram constantly at every moment.
"O Ten-mouthed Ravana! Can a lotus ever bloom in the light of a tiny insect emanating light from its body? Seetaji again told him (Ravana): "O Evil one, the same is the case with you. You are unaware of Shri Ram's powers. You devil, abducted me when I was all alone. O mean-minded creature, you are utterly shameless!"
After pondering over for a while, Hanumanji threw a ring at Seeta's Feet. It appeared as if a bruning charcoal had fallen from the Ashoka tree. Seeta delightedly took it in her hands.
Having seen hanuman's versatility as well as extraordinary physical power, Seeta said, "O Respected one! Please eat this sweet fruit by remembering Ram heartily". Then Hanumanji bowed down before her and entered the garden. He ate the sweet fruits and started uprooting the trees. There were so many soldiers. But Hanuman killed many of them, while some of them approached Ravana for help.
Hanumanji galloped and climed the palace. The flames of fire were, soon, coming out of his tail. It looked as if a huge flow of fire was descending from the sky, as if the jaws of death where trying to devour the entire Lanka or as if avaliant warrior had sharpened his weapons.
The narration of those details soothed Rama and he delightfully embraced Hanumana. He said "O Dear one! Please tell me, how Seeta lives and protects herself? Hanumanji replied, "She is chanting your name during day & night. Your name is like the soldiers and your meditation is like doors. Seeta constantly stares at her feet (locking all the doors of her body). Then how can the soul exit from her body?
Seeta is like the night of winter for the forest of lotuses of your dynasty. Please listen, O Master! Without giving back Seeta even Shankar & Brahma (the creator) will be unable to help you. Ram's arrows are like the multitudes of snakes and your crowd of demons are like frogs. Before the sankes swallow your frogs, please give up adamance and seek out the solution.
O Lord! I am the brother of Ravana. O protector of gods I am born in the dynasty of Demons. My body is blackish. As the darkness is dear to an owl, the sins are are dear to me. Your reputation as the destroyer of fear has brought me to you. Please protect me, as you are the protector of those who take your shelter.
"O Kindest One!Give me your pure devotion so dear to Shankar". then Ram blessed him by saying, "Let your wish be fulfilled" and asked for water from the ocean.
He said, "O Dear Friend! Though you are unwilling, but my Darshan neverfails. It is always successful. "Then Ram marked his forehead with tilak. The sky showered flowers on this majestic occasion.
Shuk-dut, please give up arrogance and trat the facts written in this letter as truth. Please Shuk-dut listen to me and give up anger. Don't antagonise Ram. Shri Ram's nature is very kind and polite in spite of being the Lord of the Universe. He will forgive you for all your sins the moment you meet him."
The ocean was terribly frightened. He pleaded Ram for mercy and earnestly requested the God to forgive him for his follies. He touched the feet of Ram and told him that all the five elements viz. The space, the wind, the fire, the water and the earth are dull by nature.
The huge army of monkeys took orders from Ram and priceeded. the army was too large to count. The bridge was so overcrowded that some monkeys flew over the ocen, while others climed upon the aquatic creatures to cross over the distance.
Introducing himself in the court of Ravana, Angad said, "My name is Angad. I am the son of Vali. Have you ever met him?" Ravana was embarrassed. He said, "Yes, I know, Vali was a monkey. Are you the son of that same Vali? then you are the killer of your own dynasty. You are like all-devouring fire for your family. Why didn't you die in the womb of your mothr? You call yourself as the Messenger of Taapas. Therefore your life is worthless.
At that time Meghand shot the most lustrous & destructive arrow called "Virghatini", which hurt Lakshaman in the chest and made him unconscious, then Meghand became fearless and reshed to Lakshman.
Hanumanji saw the mountain. However, he could not recognise the medicinal herb on it. So he lifted the entire mountain and fled in the night towards the city of Lanka.
Hearing this, Ravana became very restless. He nodded his head repeatedly in refusal and went to awaken Kumbhakarna. After various efforts, Kumbhakarna was awakened from deep slumber. How did he look like? He looked like the perfonified Time, He asked, "Dear Brother! Tell me, why your face is so pale?"
Kumbhakarna rushed towards Ram with arrows stuffed into his mouth.It appeared, as if the God of Time was running with the sheath in his mouth. At that time Ram angrily took out a pointed arrow and aimed at Kumbhakarna's neck. The arrow pierced through Kumbhakarna's neck and separated his head from the body.
Now Meghnad (the son of Ravana) started shooting arrows at Lakshman, Sugreev and Vibhishan and injured their bodies. He also started fighting with Ram. All the arrows of Meghnad transformed into sepents and harmed them.
Lakshmanji approached Ravana and said, "O you Devil & the coward one! Why are you killing monkeys and bears? Face me. I am your killer." Ravana said, "You are the killer of my son. I will never spare you. Unless I kill you today, I will not rest in peace." Having spoken thus Ravana shot deadly arrows. However Lakshman broke the same into pieces. All arrows of Ravana were broken by Lakshman into hundreds of tiny pieces.
Shri Rama drew the bow up to his ear and then dischared thirty one arrows like the all-devouring time! One of the arrow piereced into Ravan's navel and squeezed the nectar from his body. Rest of them separated his arms and the head. The armless and headless body of Ravan moved helter-skelter on the earth.
Then Seeta remembered Ram, her abode of sacred love and whose feet were worshipped by Lord Shankar and entered the fire, which was cooled like the sandalwood. at the same time, the idol of Seeta burnt into flames. No one could realise the glory of the God's character. The Gods, the supermatural souls and the sages witnessed the scene from the sky.
All the great chiefs of the army of monkeys including their heroes like Sugriv, Neel, Jambuvan, Angad, Nal, Hanuman and Vibhisan, were speechless. However, they constantly started at Shri Ram, without even winking their eyes for once. Shri Ram realised their overwhelming affection towards him and took in his plane. He saluted the Brahmins and the plane flew northward.
Suddenly there were good omens everywhere. everyone was in a festival mood. The whole city looked wonderful. It was an indication of the arrival of God.
All the mothers rushed to see the God like the cows rushing to feed their calves with udders overflowing with milk. Shri Ram spoke to them lovingly. The dark night of separation was over and everyone cheered in the light of divine presence of Shri Ram!
Before the coronation of Shri Ram, sage Vasishtha made an auspicious mark on his forehead. All the Brahmins followed Vasishtha. All the three mothers also worshipped their beloved son and donated gifts & presents to the Brahmins. As Ram, the Lord of the three world took seat on the throne of Ayodhya, the reverberations of drums played by the gods filled the atmosphere with the thrill.
Lord Shankar Said, "O Shri Ram! O Lord of the Riches! O Destroyer of the agonies of the universe! Be victorious. Kindly protect your devotee from the agony of the world! You are the King of Ayodhya, the god of Gods, the Beloved of Seeta! I have come to request you to protect all the people."
Everyone is dear to me. But you are dearer than anyone. I never tell untruth. This is my nature. A servant is always dear. But that is common. For me, a devotee is more lovable. Friends! Now please take leave and reach your homes! Worship me devotedly and regularly. Consider me as all-pervading and love me as your saviour!
After killing Ravana, Rama returned to Ayodhya with Sita and Lakshmana. His coronation took place in Ayodhya. Sita became his queen. They were happy for sometime, ruling over the kingdom. But their happiness was short-lived. Sita had after a long time become pregnant. She developed the desire to give some gifts to the wives of sages. She told Rama of her desire. Rama laughed and said, "Sita, was it not enough that you stayed with the wives of the rishis during our sojourn in the forest? Do you wish for the forest-life again?" Sita smilingly replied, "At that time I was also the wife of a forest dweller and was empty-handed. Now I am a queen and can afford to give them generous gifts." Rama agreed saying, "Very good. Let it be so."
That same night a frightful thing happened.
Rama was resting in his room after supper. A spy, whose duty it was to report to the king whatever was happening in the city, came to him. He said, "Of course all subjects praise you. But there is a washer man in this city whose name is Mara. His wife is Mari. She quarreled with her husband and went away to her parents' house. They, however, advised her properly and brought her back to the husband's place. The arrogant and angry washer man snarled, 'I am not Rama to take back a wife who had gone away.' But you should not think too much of it."
Hearing the spy's words, Rama was stunned. Sending him away, Rama was lost in deep worry. He said to himself, 'Alas, Sita! Why did you marry me? You seem fated to have only sorrow. Well, camphor cannot be offered to God without being burnt. Your life is also like that. As a king I have to conduct myself as a model to my citizens. Though a washer mans, Mara is also a subject of my kingdom. Therefore it becomes my duty now to renounce you.'
Rama narrated to Lakshmana what the spy had told him and said he would renounce Sita. He did not agree to that and said, "Brother, that our sister-in-law is virtuous is known to the whole world. She underwent even the fire ordeal in Lanka. She entered the flames and came out unscathed. At that time father Dasharatha came from Heaven and said, 'Sita is a very virtuous lady. Your dynasty will prosper by her.' Is the washer man's word more important than father is? Sita is in advanced pregnancy. However can you think of renouncing her in this condition?"
I know that Sita is pure. It is very painful for me to give her up. But it is my duty as a king to abandon her. Sita has desired to go to the hermitages of rishis. And I have agreed. So that will be the excuse. Take her with you and leave her on the banks of the river Ganga."
When they were in the middle of the jungle, Lakshmana said, "Mother, I am a sinner, a cheat. I have brought you here to leave you in the forest. It seems some washer man said something bad about you. So Rama has ordered me to abandon you in the jungle. You are the very peesonification of virtue; but I have to perform this wicked deed of leaving you in the wilderness. You must pardon me." Seetha said,"My boy Lakshmana, all this is the result of my sins. None else is responsible for this. When the all-merciful Rama renounces me, who else can help? You have only done his bidding. I must also obey Rama's behest. You may now go back. Convey my salutations to everyone in Ayodhya." Still weeping, Lakshmana said, "Mother, I shall return" and went back to Ayodhya.
Then Valmiki brought Seeta in his parnakuti with utmost respect and knew the details from her. He consloed Seeta in many ways and requested her to be patient. Then Seeta took bath in the river Ganga and remembered Shri Ram. Sage Valmiki blessed her and offered her fruits.
Sometime elapsed and on an auspicious day Sita gave birth to twin sons. Ten days after the birth of a child, the naming ceremony has to take pace. Valmiki himself sat as the priest and conducted the ritual. The children were named Kusha and Lava. The twins grew up handsomely day by day like the moon in the bright half of the month.
Kusha and Lava grew up and played with other boys. After all they were princes. They were very brave. When Kusha and Lava were five years old, Valmiki arranged the tonsure ceremony of the kids.
Valmiki taught the boys the Ramayana, which he had composed. The boys learnt it by heart and learnt to sing it to the accompaniment of the Veena (a stringed instrument).
As the children were growing up in the hermitage, Rama in Ayodhya was in unbearable agony, with the memory of Sita haunting him. He always had one worry or the other. He decided to perform the Ashwamedha (Horse) sacrifice.
Sri Ram requested sage Agastya to tell about the means by which he could become liberated from the sins of killing brahmins. Sage Agastya advised him to perform Ashwamedha-yagna. He also described the rituals of performing Ashwamedha Yagya--- "Get a horse of white colour and after worshipping it on Vaishakh Purnima leave it to wander freely. Tie a piece of paper on its forehead on which your name and other details are mentioned. Soldiers should follow that horse wherever it goes. You should fight a battle against any king who dares to stop the horse. You should lead a celibate life till the horse returns back to the same place from where it had been let loose. It is customary for the performer of Ashwamedha yagna to indulge himself in benevolent deeds till the completion of Ashwamedha yagya." Sri Ram agreed to perform Ashwamedha yagna. He went to the seashore accompanied by numerous sages. He then cultivated a vast expanse of land with the help of a golden plough. A large oblation site was constructed and thus began Ashwamedha yagna under the supervision of Vashishth.
As per the advice of Sage Vashishth, Sri Ram instructed his soldiers to bring a white-horse. A white parasol was fixed on its back and the horse was decorated with colourful clothes. The horse was then let loose and the faithful soldiers of Sri Ram followed it wherever the horse went.A gold-sheet was hanged in the horse's neck and upon which was inscribed--This horse belongs to Sri Ram--the son of Dasharath. Anybody who dares to stop this horse will meet ruthless punishment.
Shatrughan followed the horse as per the instruction of his elder brother -- Sri Ram. Bharat and Pushkal also accompanied him. A huge army led by Kalnemi was marching behind the horse.
Some of the kings tried to stop the horse, but were defeated by Shatrughan. This way the horse continued to move ahead without any problem till it reached the bank of river Ganga.It was early morning and Lav after noticing the presence of horse become curious. He went near the horse and tried to read the inscription hanging down it's neck. He made fun of the might of Sri Ram and fastened the horse.The soldiers tried to release the horse but Lav severed their arms. They returned to Shatrughan and narrated the whole incident to him.
Shatrughan became extremely furious after seeing the condition of his injured soldiers. He instructed Kalnemi to teach Lav a lesson. Kalnemi confronted Lav with a huge army and a ferocious battle took place. Lav managed to kill Kalnemi, which created havoc in the rival's army. The surviving soldiers tried to hold their ground but were forced to flee on account of a fierce assault from Lav.
Shatrughan then ordered Pushkal to fight Lav but he became unconscious after being hit by Lav's arrow. Now, Shatrughan's anger crossed all limits and he ordered Hanuman to kill Lav. Hanuman uprooted a large tree and tried to hit Lav, but Lav cut that tree into hundred pieces with a volley of arrows. Lav then released many arrows in the direction of Hanuman. Hanuman fought valiantly but ultimately he fell down unconscious.
When Shatrughan learnt about Hanuman's fate he was infuriated and went to fight Lav. But when he saw a tender looking child in front of him he was surprised. Shatrughan asked --
'O brave child! Who are you! Who is your father?'
But Lav was not interested in his irrelevant queries and challenged him for a duel. Shatrughan was left with no other option but to fight. A tremendous battle was fought between them. Shatrughan released volleys of arrow towards Lav but all of them were neutralized by him. For a brief time Shatrughan lost his consciousness. After regaining his consciousness, he aimed his most lethal weapon towards Lav. The arrow hit Lav and he fell down unconscious. Lav's companions went and informed Sita about the whole incident. Kush came forward to fight against Sri Ram's army. When he reached the battlefield he saw Lav who was held captive by the enemy's army's. By that time, Lav had regained his consciousness and after seeing Kush he somehow managed to free himself from the clutches of his captors.
Now, both the brothers launched a fierce attack on the enemy. The whole army of Sri Ram started running helter and shelter. It did not take much time for Lav and Kush to vanquish the whole army. All the great warriors like Hanuman, Sugreeva, Pushkal, Angad Veermani and even Shatrughan were either held captive or injured in the battle. Both the brothers fastened Hanuman and Sugreeva with ropes and took them to Sita. Sita immediately recognized Hanuman and Sugreeva. She instructed both her sons to set them free as well as the horse. Lav and Kush followed the instruction of Mother Sita and released everybody from their captivity. Bhagwan Valmiki Ji shower the nector over the dead army and all the dead soldiers became alive once again. Shatrughan regained his consciousness too.
Shatrughan decided to return to Ayodhya. He instructed Sumati to make all the necessary arrangements for the safe return of the Caravan, which comprised not only of Sri Ram's army but also of all the defeated kings and their vanquished armies. When Sri Ram came to know about their arrival, he sent Laxman to receive them. Laxman received the victorious army with all the honour and the all of them came to the palace. Sri Ram curiously asked Sumati about everything that had happened.
Sumati paraded all the vanquished kings who had made the mistake of stopping the horse-- Sumad, Sabahu, Daman, Satyavan, Surath, etc. He then narrated the brave deed of Lav and Kush. He also revealed how mighty warriors like Hanuman, Sugreeva Shatrughan etc had been defeated by both of them.
Bhagwan Valmiki was present in Ayodhya to attend the Ashwamedha yagna. Sri Ram asked him about the identity of the two children--Lav and Kush, Valmiki said --- Sita was pregnant at the time you had abandoned her. I gave her refuge in my hermitage where she gave birth to twins--Lav and Kush. Both the children were brought up in my hermitage with love and care. I taught them all the sacred texts and scriptures and made them masters of various weaponries. So, Lav and Kush are your sons. You must bring Sita back to Ayodhya with due honour, because she is pure and chaste."
Sri Ram's heart was filled with grief. He instructed Laxman to bring Sita along with Lav and Kush. Laxman went to Valmiki's hermitage and requested Sita to return to Ayodhya. Sita refused to return but sent Lav and Kush along with Laxman. When Sri Ram found that only Lav and Kush had come, he once again sent Laxman to bring Sita. Laxman followed his instruction and went to Valmiki's hermitage for the second time. Meanwhile, Bhagwan Valmiki instructed Lav and Kush to sing the praise of Sri Ram in their melodious voice. Everybody was moved by their soulful rendition. Sri Ram took Lav and Kush in his embrace.
At her final meeting with her Lord, Sitaji was firm in her resolve - never to be doubted again. With great confidence, she requested her mother - Goddess Earth, to reclaim her and vindicate her in public - Once and for all. When Mother Earth came to comfort her daughter, the universe witnessed Sitaji's piety and blameless past.
A wonderful and commendable effort of putting the Great Epic in simple words with lovable paintings ! My heart-felt congratulations!(Not that I am praising because I am going to ask you for a help! I mean the words I said.)
ReplyDeleteCan you please allow me to make use of certain pictures here for the video I want to make of a Ramayana song? Please mail me your reply to my mail id ''.
Thanks and Regards,
sorry for the delay u can use any of these pictures u want and if possible please send me ur song also